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Ambush in Shijaiyah Claims Lives of 9 Israeli Soldiers, Including Senior Officers

News of War Staff Writer

In a harrowing incident on Tuesday in Shijaiyah, Israeli forces engaged in a search within a series of buildings suddenly lost contact with four soldiers amidst a hostile confrontation. This situation escalated when a rescue attempt by their fellow soldiers led to a fierce and unexpected onslaught of gunfire and explosives.

The dire consequences of this ambush were profound, with nine fatalities including notable military figures. Amongst them were Col. Itzhak Ben Basat, 44, the highest-ranking officer to perish in the ground operation, and Lt. Col. Tomer Grinberg, a leading battalion commander.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, confronting this sombre reality, staunchly opposed international calls for a ceasefire. He expressed a steadfast determination to proceed with the operation to its full course, undaunted by the profound grief and global pressure. Netanyahu's remarks to military leaders underscored an unwavering commitment to achieving nothing less than victory in this endeavour.

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